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Sunday, June 27, 2010

Great movie review writing tips

If you have an entertainment website then you�re always looking for fresh, new, fun and interesting material to keep your readers coming back for more. Movie reviews are a great way to do that. People always want to know what someone else thinks about the movie they want to see and they will scour the web to look for these opinions. Now you could syndicate another site�s reviews, but why do that? You want your readers to be loyal to you and your site and honestly, they want to hear what you have to say and what you think. If you�re thinking you haven�t the foggiest idea on how to write fun, compelling movie reviews, then think again. I�m going to tell you all you need to know.

1.Actively Watch the Movie � Yes, I recognize that movie watching is a passive activity. Watching a movie isn�t something you do, it is something that happens to you. However, if you want to write good reviews you have to learn to look at movies with a critical eye. This means you need to pay attention to everything and I mean Everything. Notice how the actors are placed in each shot, the setting, the camera angles, even the music. All of these elements play a role in the story that is trying to be told and are important to talk about if you want to write the compelling sort of reviews that your readers will stop by your site each week to read. .

2.Take Copious Notes � No, I don�t expect you to sit in a theatre with pen and pad or laptop in hand. But I do expect you to take solid mental notes. Information such as the actor�s names or who the director was is easy to come across, but information like camera shots, or plot devices is not, so you need to train yourself not only to watch for that type of information but also to remember it.

3.Summarize. Don�t Spoil. � This is important. Nothing is worse then reading a review that tells the whole movie from beginning to end and leaves nothing for you to see. People want your opinion, not for you to spoil the movie. A basic summation of the plot is all that is necessary. From there you can talk about whether or not the plot worked well or was the plot even a plot at all. Let the details of the film be revealed when your readers see the film, not when they read your review.

4.Critical Analysis is Key � The difference between a review anyone can write and a review people will clamor to read is in how well you analyze the film. Think about those papers you had to write for lit class in college. The professor didn�t want you to just tell him what the book was about but wanted you to break down the themes in the book and how they related to the plot, the characters, etc. Well the same is true for a movie review. No one wants a summary of events or the plot. A good review will examine the themes or ideas the movie raises and talk about how well or not so well the movie executed those themes and ideas.

5.Point Out the Pros and the Cons � No movie is perfect and rarely is any movie all bad, so take the time to talk about what the movies does well and what it does not so well.

6.Be Original � For some folk it is two thumbs up, for others it is rotten tomatoes. Whatever you decide you want your rating system to be, be original. Try to find a hook that works for you. Just don�t do something that closely resembles someone else or you�ll just seem like a bad copy of the original.
Follow these steps and you�ll be writing the best reviews the web has to offer and your readers will constantly come back for more week in and week out. Happy writing.

Great esay writting tips

Can you apply a standard approach to writing an essay? If there is such a thing, how do you intend to structure your essay? Would you like some basic rules to follow for your essay writing?

Isn’t it funny, some people can just sit down and whip through their essay just like that, when you are left in their dust tracks wondering how on earth they could do this, when you haven’t even written your first word yet. It is always best to approach the task of writing an essay in a methodical and analytic way if you are looking for best results.

When lecturers issue essay questions to students, they are looking to see what cognitive responses you give. Whilst most students will attempt to demonstrate their abilities at comprehension, application and recall the problem that lecturers or teachers are normally looking for more than this. They are looking to test your skills of synthesis, analysis and evaluation within your essay writing.
If you are looking to write your essay in an analytical way, here are some great tips:-

1. Firstly, you must break the job of writing your essay down into steps.

2. Then analyse all the different concepts that surround your subject.

3. Play around with various ideas and relate one idea to another in a cohesive manner.

4. Then construct a well supported and consistent argument using your concepts.

5. Then write about the issues, discussing them in a fair and balanced manner.

6. Strongly evaluate any arguments or ideas that oppose your own, and integrate them into the discussion.

7. Further, make judgements and express your opinion in a clear and well reasoned way.
By following the tips above, you will keep yourself away from focusing solely on the application, comprehension and recall parts of your essay, and going into the deeper issues that your lecturer wants to see from you.

Successful making love in the Internet

In modern days, technology has the power to unite two hearts even if they live in opposite ends of the world. Technology has proved that it can match your profile successfully with that of your potential partner. It can also tell you fairly accurately whether you are not compatible with your potential mate or not.

The chat room is among the most wondrous products of technology. Here total strangers can communicate as if they were the greatest of friends. A chat room has several purposes. People use it for "game interaction" and play puzzling games such as "trivia." Chat rooms are also a great place to meet your potential partner for the first time.

You cannot find your significant other in a chat room that easily. You have to keep the following points in mind so that you can not only enjoy the experience of a chat room but also meet your significant other in one of them. offers much more than a chat room.

1. The Internet offers a wide range of chat rooms. Research them well. Most of them bear a description that tells users exactly what is going on in the chat room like

2. Choose the chat room you feel you will be comfortable in. The chat room you select should make you feel as if you belong and should enable you to express your individuality. After researching a number of chat rooms on the Internet, you shouldn't find it difficult to choose the most suitable partner for you.

3. Maintain a certain degree of reserve. You might have taken the time to select a suitable chat room. This does not mean you have to open up to the people there immediately. You don't have to reveal your personal information. While exercising caution, keep up the spirit of friendliness in the chat room.

4. Don't be too eager to fit in. It is polite to wait for the regular users to accept you first and then initiate you with the ways of the chat room. Once you have been welcomed, you can ask any number of questions on how to use the chat room. offers one of the friendliest uk chat rooms on the net.

 5. When you have become comfortable in the chat room, express your views and opinions to the other users. Ensure that your views are not insulting to other people. Use emoticons properly. If you feel that a smiley is appropriate in the course of the chat, use one. Above all, remember that it is important to respect the other users in a chat room.

6. Usually, in a crowd, you will find certain prominent people, who easily stand apart from the rest. You could send personal "instant messages" to such individuals. This gives you a chance to know the individual who interests you personally.

7. Before you log off, ask your chat mate to give you his or her e-mail address. If he or she is willing to reveal contact details such as mobile number or any other number, it is better. But don't press your chat mate for such information.

8. Now that you have selected a few potential partners, carefully study their profiles. What does the profile say? Does it reflect sincerity? Or does something seem wrong about it? If the profile meets the requirements of a good, honest profile, you might have met a nice person.

9. It is now time to take the relationship to the next step. Contact your potential partner. Writing an e-mail is the best way to start a great relationship. Some people express themselves better through e-mails. If you have the person's phone number and feel more comfortable talking, you had better use a telephone.

10. Schedule regular chat sessions, which will enable the new relationship to grow and blossom.

In modern days, love comes in different ways, you can meet your sweetheart anywhere. It does not really matter where you meet your significant other as long as you take certain precautions and go about it the right way.

So when you are ready dont forget to call by and start meeting people in the UK chat room today!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

The Secret to Making Extra Money in 2009

CHANGES - and a hell of a lot it - marked 2008 as we welcomed the Global Financial Crisis with open arms. Last year, seemingly unbreakable financial institutions went to rock bottom upon the worst financial crisis the world has ever seen. For the Corporate Giants, it really sucks, for the average Joe, was it really that awful?

With the insurmountable amount of money that disappeared in thin air, the first question that popped into my head was, where on God's green earth did all that money go?

This is the part where I thank the Lehman Brothers for making history in 2008. From the money making giants the money currently belongs to the place where it should be - the hands of the people. While some people got broke some investors snickered in the background with an "I saw that coming" kinda aura. Zig Ziglar and Robert Kiyosaki wrote about it in their best-selling books before the market crash even happened! And Thomas Friedman could not have explained it an even clearer detail in his book The World Is Flat 3.0: A Brief History of the Twenty-first Century stressing how our world has now been reduced from size small to tiny. Some may call this the paradigm shift, like Robin Hood stealing money from the rich and giving it to the poor. All of this was made possible, thanks to the internet. The internet continues to erase our world's boundaries bringing us closer and now even stronger, with Web 2.0, all you really have to do is tap into this HUGE market and get your rightful shares to the billions of dollars currently in suspended animation waiting for you to grab it.

E-commerce is currently worth around $35 billion a year and Price Waterhouse Coopers predict a 60 per cent increase over the next 4 years to around $75 billion. Statistics have showed that at the end of 2008 over 6 Billion people used the internet and its usage has increased up to 305% since 2000! And it's not showing any signs of slowing down.

The internet has leveled the playing field. Anyone can make their mark in the worldwide arena now. These days, it's never too young to start doing some extra money making schemes. People as young as 13 year olds are able to make money online, and most of them did it from scratch. If you currently run a business, giving it an online presence is the smartest thing you could ever do. I currently manage our family's Promotional Merchandise business and I was able to compete with much bigger companies in the same field and even get big money projects from huge companies. I was able to do it simply by having a simple ad on a well-known website and my company doesn't even have its own website yet. And it is all because of the internet. Profits can be really crazy on the internet.

So what's the big secret to making extra money online? The most basic thing you should do is to unlock your brain, reprogram it and convince yourself that "I CAN" compete with the world; I can make thousands of dollars online. You have to do a paradigm shift yourself and think that our world is not that big anymore. Thomas Friedman said, it is now tiny, and the playing field has been leveled to allow everyone to just join in. In short, you have to think wider erase your boundaries and think globally. If you cannot shift then it would be hard for you to even muster how people are making money online, this toning of the mind sets online and offline entrepreneurs apart.

The internet can benefit you in a million ways. For people with existing business, giving your business an online presence is a smart thing to do. For individuals, it could be your launch pad to financial freedom. The journey to making that extra money online can be long and arduous one. Fortunately, YOU are in the right place. Join me and find the easiest way in on the internet's gold mine. Whether you are a newbie looking to find online jobs or a businessman wanting to know how to give his business that global edge. Then this is the blog for you.

Happy New Year Everyone!

Doing E-Business

Deciding to start an online business, you have to at least know your market, have enough money to start the business and of course the knowledge on the internet. Without the internet, your dreams of doing your business online will not work at all.

You also need to know some of the basics of website design and some knowledge of setting up a business because it is an important factor have these things.

This is just like setting up other types of business as you have to fulfill certain requirements to start. The only difference is that online business is as its name implies an online version of business.

The use of the internet for business activities is quite easy as you think. You post your products on websites, blogs, bulletin boards, chat rooms, messengers and other ways you can exchange with the consumers. It doesn't matter if your products don't sell at first, sooner or later people will notice the things you are selling. With these, you don't have to apply for a business permit.

Most, if not many of home based business opportunities use the internet to sell their product to consumers who doesn't want to leave their house or doesn't have the luxury of time. It quite beneficial to both sides as one just orders the products through the net, and the other just sends it through delivery service providers. Payments are just a matter of settling your account through money transfers on one bank account to another.

At the most, doing an online business wont risk too much capital as you will only pay for the web hosting and the bills you pay to set up your business' website. You don't have to use your own money to make the certain product consumers order because the money they sent you will be enough to cover the costs of things.

And thanks to the internet business, transactions of consumers and entrepreneur is as easy as just a click of the mouse button.

Adding to that, provided that you have a good web hosting company to upload your website with will add let you see your site on top of the list of search engines through search engine optimization or SEO. This is a good thing for your business as long as you keep your website up to date and running.

On the other hand, there are also risks when running an online business because not all products you made your investments at, will not sell as much as you think. Somehow, you just have to consider what kind of market you are selling to in order for your business to be stable in the long run. As long as you sell your products to your desired market, things will eventually fall into place.

It all boils down to these things: your willing to risk your investments, how innovative you are when you venture into business and your patience. After all, business is taking risks and having a good market strategy.

Paul is a very successful businessman and diversed into many things throughout his career, As Business Development and Marketing Manager, Paul managed all aspects of controlling over 100 retail units in the U.K.

Very much involved with Franchising and Business opportunities, always willing to help and advise, Paul has helped many people on the road to starting there own businesses.

Paul has also owned and run successful retail units, franchises and printing Companies, the most recent project was overseeing and advising on a expansion of a local magazine

A Guide to Finding Email

In life, there are resources available to people who want to find certain things. There are guides out there that tell people how to do certain things. The Yellow Pages help people find businesses. The White Pages help people find the addresses and landline phone numbers of other people they know, and then there are social networking websites out there that can help a person find pictures and information on other people that they know. Finding email is a whole different thing, however. While there has been technology that has allowed people to find information on certain people, finding email has not always been possible. If you didn't have an email address for a person, you had no luck in being able to send them email. Those days have passed.

Nowadays, there is such a thing as an email directory. While this is not a surefire way to find an email address for every person that you know that has one, the success rate of being able to do so is much higher than it was several years ago. In most cases, all you have to have is the name of the person that you are looking for an email address for.

There are some problems with the email address search sites out there, and these are kinks that will have to be ironed out as time goes on. For example, some people create email addresses under their maiden names, married names, business names, pen names-any name other than their own for whatever their personal reasons happen to be. This can be confusing when looking for a person's email address, and makes doing so hard.

If you have somebody who you want to find an email address for, it certainly doesn't hurt to perform an email address search for them. More and more email addresses are searchable every day with this amazing email address search service. Contact with your friends and family may not be that far off, after all.

Top Ways to Find Email

There are many things that people use email for. Some people use email in place of the U.S. Postal Service to send letters and communications back and forth with their friends and family members. Other people use email for business purposes, to keep n contact with clients and even find new business. Email is used for a variety of reasons, and so it is often necessary to find an email address for someone that a telephone call or home visit just would not be appropriate for.

There are a few ways to find email addresses for people. The first is to get an email list, but that only works if you don't care who is on your email list. These can be purchased or obtained from businesses, but nobody wants to have an email from a business or person knowing that their email address was obtained this way.

Another way to find email addresses for people is to ask around. This works for personal circumstances, in the case that you know exactly whose email address you are looking for but just do not have the information. This may involve friends, family, co-workers or whoever else you and that person may having common. The only problem with this method of finding email addresses is that they may not be current, or the information may not be correct.

The last way to find email is an improvement on the second tip. Email finder services are popping up all over the web now, helping people get into contact with one another by enabling people to search for email addresses of people they know. This can improve business and help build relationships as well. It isn't difficult to do if you know the name of the person whose email you are searching for, but the system does have some slight problems. Many people register their email addresses under names other than their own, for business or privacy reasons. The easiest thing to do in this case is chalk it up to the fact that these people may not want to be found.